Hey, do you need this file? Pay me!
Ransomware has seen an explosion in the past few years because of its ability to hold the target up for a quick pay day. If you read the headlines, today’s cyber threat landscape is inundated by ransomware. When you look at the numbers, you can see why, with over 1 Billion in extorted funds from business of all sizes. Ransomware is evolving at a pace that is impossible to keep up with, more difficult to detect and far more damaging than any of its predecessors before.
Organizations of all sizes are struggling to deploy the latest protections and next generation technologies to minimize exposure and avoid financial fines that often cost the business far more than dollars. Trying to keep up with this global threat can be overwhelming to many organizations. It takes resources, costly, and often times challenging to fight these threats from an adversary on a global scale.
Truth is, most ransomware, for the most part, can be prevented. You simply need the right logic capable of detecting and blocking threats before they hit and the right team available at the ready.
For more information on anti-ransomware protection or any of iPRESIDIUM’s managed security services give us a call.